

Event management

The future of event accreditation is here

We've reimagined event management to let you focus on what's important. Our simplified registration and quick sign-in process makes managing events a breeze.

optimise your workflow

How we can help manage your events

We offer flexibility and different options for creating your very own bespoke ProVisit system that’s suitable for your organisation.


Create a digital pre-induction course

Attendees go through an induction process before event arrival so they know what to expect and are able to follow all site-wide guidelines. Courses can be fully customised or already premade based on past induction needs.

Contactless sign-in

Avoid queues building up and crowded lobbies

Welcome your visitors on site safely with contactless sign in using the QR code directly from your invitation.

you're in control

Dynamic reporting

ProVisit captures attendance records and locations at different checkpoints in real-time. Once the event is complete, analyse and export the data collected to measure its success.


You can produce and re-use a visitor pass and capture a photo.

Identify visitors with their unique, re-usable printed visitor passes containing essential information so you never lose track on who’s on site and when. Receive a notification when a visitor doesn’t meet your criteria and refuse entry. 


Generate an instant fire report to your email

In the event of an emergency, ProVisit enables you to accurately see who’s on site and who they are visiting via email or make use of our mobile app to run an off-site fire report.


There’s more! We offer many other contractor features too!

Specialised and tailored for you, we have a range of features that are flexible to suit contractors, employees, and visitors


ProVisit provides a fast, secure and reliable signing in process for your event attendees.

Badge passes

Instantly print custom high quality event passes for scanning in or out from your event.


Send email invites containing event location, event rules, attachments and more.


Show a series of images and videos on or off-site and track the progress via the dashboard.

Who's on site

See who’s expected, record arrival and exit times, manage multiple check points.

Issue certificates

Issue a contractor with an automated certificate after completing an induction course.

Attach QR code

Receive a unique QR code attached with your certificate for a fast sign in experience.

Save time

Remove the hassle of manual event registration; the future of digital sign-in is here.

pricing made simple

Pricing made simple

Only pay for what you need. We offer a flexible approach for creating your very own bespoke ProVisit system.

access control visitor management


Integrate with access control and Identify who is coming and going with the use of RFID and track their movement to areas that are off-limits.

Ready to get started?

Book a demo today to see how it works