

Book Templates: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices for 2023

Book Templates: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices for 2023

Are you tired of using outdated sign-in books that are not only time-consuming, but also lacking in terms of functionality and security? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with tips, tricks, and best practices for using sign-in book templates in 2023. 

To maintain fairness, let’s level the playing field by excluding ProVisit’s Visitor Management System and stick to pen and paper. You can also check out our article on the comparison between a digital sign in system and a traditional paper based sign in.

What are Sign-In Books and Why are They Important?

Sign-in books are pre-designed forms that allow visitors, guests or contractors to sign in and provide their personal information for a specific event or purpose. These books can be used for various reasons, such as keeping track of attendance, collecting contact information, and recording who has visited a particular location.

Having a well-designed sign-in book can help you streamline the sign-in process, maintain accurate records, and keep your visitors’ information secure.

Key Features to Look for in a paper sign-In Book

A paper sign-in book typically contains the following key features:

  1. Date and Time: To record the date and time of the visitor’s arrival and departure.

  2. Name: A space for the visitor to write their full name, or for an employee to record the visitor’s name if they are signing them in.

  3. Company or Organization: A space for the visitor to indicate the name of their company or organization, or for an employee to record this information.

  4. Purpose of Visit: A section for the visitor to indicate the reason for their visit, such as a meeting, interview, or delivery.

  5. Signature: A space for the visitor to sign their name, or for an employee to sign on behalf of the visitor if they are signing them in.

  6. Photo ID: In some cases, a sign-in book may include a space for the visitor to attach a photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, to verify their identity.

  7. Contact Information: A space for the visitor to provide their contact information, such as an email address or phone number.

  8. Escort: In some cases, a sign-in book may include a section for the visitor to indicate who they are visiting or who is accompanying them.

  9. Security Code: A space for the visitor to enter a security code, or for an employee to assign a security code if one is required.

  10. Comments: A space for the visitor or employee to make any additional comments or notes.

Best Practices for Using Sign-In Book Templates

Let’s go over some best practices for using sign in sheets:

  • Make sure all fields are clearly labeled and easy to understand.
  • Provide enough space for individuals to sign their name and write any additional information.
  • Consider including fields for an individual’s email address, phone number, and emergency contact information.
  • Make sure the template is accessible and easily printable for individuals with disabilities.
  • Regularly review and update to ensure it remains effective and secure.

Tips and Tricks for Making the Most of Your Sign-In Book Template

Here are some tips and tricks to help you make the most of your sign-in book template:

  • Use a clear, legible font that is easy to read.
  • Provide clear instructions for filling out the form, including any required fields.
  • Offer multiple ways for individuals to sign in, such as electronically or through pen and paper.
  • Consider using a QR code that directs individuals to an electronic form for faster and more secure sign-in.
  • Use color and images to make the form visually appealing and professional.
  • Incorporate branding elements such as logos and company colors to reinforce your brand identity.


In conclusion, sign-in books are an essential tool for keeping track of attendance and collecting personal information in a secure and organised manner. By following best practices you can make the most of your visitor sign-in book and ensure a seamless sign-in process for guests at your organisation.

Click here to order personalised visitor sign in books today! 

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